
Assistantships 五月 be awarded to qualified graduate students who have full or conditional admission to a master’s or specialist program or full admission to a doctoral program. 学术和非学术部门都有助学金. 除了资助研究生教育, 助教奖学金为学生提供专业成长的机会.


研究生助教(GAT) 助教奖学金必须在教员的直接监督下. A GAT must be an instructor of record for undergraduate courses or be assigned to activities such as assisting with courses or teaching labs, 批改作业和考试, 或者协助教授进行大型讲座和/或在线课程. 的 duties must be attached to a specific course or courses in order for a graduate student to be hired as a GAT.

  • GATs who are instructors of record have primary responsibility for teaching a course for credit or noncredit and/or for assigning final grades for the course. 为了有资格成为GAT的指导员, the graduate student must have earned a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the field in which she or he will be teaching. 虽然他们是有记录的教官, GATs must work under the direct supervision of a faculty member who is experienced in the teaching field, 定期接受在职培训,定期接受评估.
  • GATs who assist the instructor of record with a zero-credit lab associated with a classroom course must have completed 12 hours of graduate or upper-level undergraduate coursework directly related to the undergraduate course being taught. GATs assisting with a zero-credit lab must work under the direct supervision of the instructor of record, complete lab safety and supervision training and be evaluated every semester by faculty.
  • 研究生 students whose native language is other than English must demonstrate a sufficient level of oral and written proficiency before they 五月 be awarded a teaching assistantship.

研究生助理研究(GAR) assistantships require recipients to aid in the research with the department/professor to which they are assigned. 工作也可能包括协助实验室等任务, 提供教学支持, 协助教师进行研究, 准备报告, 输入数据或其他分配的职责.

非教学研究生助理(GANT) 助教奖学金不分配给特定的课程. 相反,gant在校园的各种环境中工作. 责任 五月 be administrative in nature or consist of other activities that do not generally fit within the GAT or GAR job responsibilities.


勤工俭学项目 是基于需求的经济援助计划吗. 你必须完成FAFSA或TASFA,并证明有经济需要. 该计划使您能够降低参加德克萨斯A的成本&M University-商务 and reduce overall student debt while you develop employment skills and build your resume.

您将根据资格获得资金, 你对FAFSA或TASFA工作学习问题的回答, 以及可用的联邦和州资金.


步骤1: 登录MyLeo接受勤工俭学奖励,点击培训皇冠体育365.

步骤2: Complete the 工作研究 Training (course #2112468) and permit request (link found within the training). 工作学习许可将在完成后通过电子邮件发送给您.

步骤3: 找到工作! 发现可用的工作机会 雇佣一头狮子. Once hired, you will need to complete additional paperwork as required by Human Resources. Please direct questions to your supervisor regarding these and other general employment issues.

你接受的勤工俭学奖励表明你的最高金额 五月 在学期和学年中赚取. You will be paid bi-monthly and can choose to pick up your check at the cashier’s window in the McDowell Administration Building (BA) or have it directly deposited to a bank account.

勤工俭学资格因年而异. You must maintain satisfactory academic progress and renew your FAFSA or TASFA each year to remain eligible. Completing the FAFSA or TASFA by the priority deadline (January 15) provides the best chance of 工作研究 eligibility.



勤工俭学以先到先得为原则. 请务必在优先截止日期前提交FAFSA申请. 你可以发邮件 (电子邮件保护) 请求将自己加入等候名单.

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如果你没有使用所有的资金,它就不会被节省下来. 事实上, 我们鼓励你尽可能多地使用这些钱,因为如果你不这样做, the federal government reduces the money it gives us because our students don’t earn it all.

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这个部门决定你的薪水. 理论上讲,他们根据你的职位给你发工资. 责任较大的职位可以支付高于最低工资的工资.

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You must submit your hours worked through Workday located in your Single Sign-On (SSO) account found at sso.tamu.edu. 要登录,你需要知道你的unn,这是由人力资源办公室发出的. 如果你没有在规定的日期前提交你的时间表, 你可能不会收到工资期的支票.

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的 maximum number of hours per week you can work is an average of 19 hours per week while classes are in session. 如果你的部门允许,并且你有足够的勤工俭学资金的话, 你可以在秋季工作40个小时, 春季学期和夏季学期, 但前提是你要在夏季学期注册. 实际的学时数将取决于你的勤工俭学奖励.

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You need to be sure that you have completed the 学生工作者 training that is assigned to you in your MyLEO. 在学生工人培训的最后一张幻灯片上, please complete the Permit Request Form and your permit will be processed  by 金融援助 and you will be eligible to apply for work study jobs in Hirea狮子 (also known as Handshake). Permits are issued 7-10 business days after you have submitted your permit request form.

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勤工俭学奖学金不会自动转为学生贷款. 如果你更喜欢贷款而不是在校园里就业和赚的钱, you will need to contact a 金融援助 Advisor to discuss available options based on your cost of attendance budget. 你也可以发邮件 (电子邮件保护) or (电子邮件保护) 要求审查你的账户.

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的 Office of 金融援助 and 奖学金 does not recommend that you have more than one on campus position at a time. 然而, 无论情况如何, 你每周最多只能工作19个小时,上课时间除外.

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你可以开始工作了, 持有经批准的许可证, 在你注册的学期的第一天.

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这些信息在你的工作学习许可上. 拿到许可证后把它写下来.

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是的, we suggest that you provide at least a two weeks notice to your current supervisor if you plan to leave your position. Your new employer will need a copy of your work study permit and will need to complete the Hiring Notification Form. 在工作学习许可邮件中有一个皇冠体育365.

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If you realize relatively soon that your class schedule will keep you from earning your entire award, we encourage you to give back any funding you cannot use so that someone else can have the chance to use it. 如果你不用全部奖金, the federal government reduces the money it gives the university because our students didn’t earn it all.

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这个问题最好由人力资源办公室的专业人士来回答. 这也可以在SSO中找到的单点登录(SSO)帐户上查看.tamu.edu. To log on you need to know your UIN which can be released via the Human Resources Office.

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You can only earn up to your awarded amount as specified in your award letter and on your work study permit card. You can see how much you have made in a year via logging into your Single Sign-On (SSO) account found at sso.tamu.edu. 要登录,你需要知道你的unn,这是由人力资源办公室发出的. 在Payroll Data选项卡中查看此信息.

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的 student worker program is designed to help you support yourself while learning valuable work skills. You learn positive workplace behaviors and useful skills as you gain valuable work experience. 学生工作者被雇佣来填补校园各个部门的职位. 根据你被分配的角色,你的工作职责可能会有很大的不同. 资格要求包括出色的时间管理和较强的组织能力.
